Rendering Job of Large House in Harrogate

External Solutions carried out a top quality rendering job of a large home in Harrogate. We give lots of photos below at the different stages of the project.

Interested in finding out more? Contact us today with your project requirements.

Rendering of Large House in Harrogate

Below we give quite an extensive overview of a rendering job carried out in Harrogate. You can see photos from before, when we hacked back to the brickwork, applying the base coats and mesh, work nearing completion, and then the finished rendering job. If you are looking for an experienced and reliable rendering company in the Yorkshire area, then contact External Solutions today.

The House before work started

Here we give some pictures of the house before work started. You can see the old render is looking quite weary.

Hacking off the old render

The client wanted all the old render completely removed, hacked off back to the bricks before applying the new render.

Base coats and alkali resistant mesh being applied

External Solutions applied the base coats and then applied the alkali resistant mesh. This mesh prevents the render from cracking at a later date.

Rendering work nearing completion

The rendering work continues and is now nearing completion.

Interested in finding out more? Contact us today with your project requirements.